Joli and I just bought a Wii, and we have been playing the games nearly every night, marveling at the function of the machine. In tennis, if you tilt your wrist inward on a return shot, you hit cross-court, something that has recently amazed me in its accuracy. (Sadly, I am unable to do such things in real life.) Yet I haven't spent much time wondering what's inside the thing. To me, it has just been a magical white box that allows me and Joli to go bowling in our living room.
But Johnny Chung Lee, a PhD-seeking graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University has already hacked the device to use in other applications, such as an interactive white board and a head-tracking display device, which makes a 3D display possible (videos of both projects are posted below).
It's guys like this who make computer science seem like punk rock.
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