Sunday, December 30, 2007

Monday, December 24, 2007

Comcast DVR Hack - 30 Second Skip!

Joli and I got the Comcast DVR when we moved into our new place, and it's kind of changed our [TV-watching] lives. We've found so much quality programming that the truly great shows have actually elbowed out the shows we previously considered good: no more Scrubs; no more Sex and the City; no more America's Next Top Model (a former favorite Joli's, not mine). No, now it's Frontline, Top Chef, and Wired Science.

But the DVR realm is not a level playing field. Some people prefer the Tivo interface (Joli and I both felt like we were being pandered to with all of the goofy sound effects), and others like the Dish Network DVR. I am one of the latter, simply because of the skip ahead feature. When we first got Comcast, I missed it so.

But thanks to a guy named Moe, there is a hack to solve the problem. Make sure you skip step 4.

While I am grateful for the ingenuity people have, I wonder a bit about this type of discovery. I liken it to the fact that a credit card with a "dead" magnetic strip can be changed into a working credit card by placing a plastic bag over it and sliding it through again. Who thought to try that first? These people should be placed in history next to the person who first ate an egg.